Adrian Chua appointed as WTW’s Head for Captive & Insurance Management Solutions, APAC

Chua has 20 years experience in the industry and joins WTW from Cigna Singapore.


Adrian chua appointed as wtws head for captive insurance management solutions apac

WTW has announced the appointment of Adrian Chua as their new Regional Managing Director for Captive & Insurance Management Solutions in Asia-Pacific.

Chua brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having worked with insurance for over 20 years. Most recently, he served as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer for Cigna Singapore.

WTW said in the announcement that “Adrian’s experience and insights will be critical in bringing our captive and alternative risk transfer solutions to meet companies’ risk financing needs in this region.”

Chua is a Fellow Chartered Account of Singapore and a committee member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

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